The proposed solution is based on standardized modules and is set in such a manner as to fulfil the requirements of organizations for effective and correct work with documents.


In accordance with the legislation of the Czech Republic

In accordance with the legislation of the Czech Republic

The system fulfils the requirements of the current legislative demands, of the National standards and regulations of elDAS.

Universal usage

Universal usage

All the documents which appear in the organization will be managed in a correct manner.

Modular solution

Modular solution

The system is flexible, modular and is constantly developing and is adjusted according the laws and norms which are currently valid.


The system of records management ensures a complete management of the life cycle of a document and records from its creation or admission to the company and up to its shredding or transfer to the National archive. The solution is devised in such a way as to fulfil the legislative framework given by law no. 499/04 Coll. about archives and records management and National standards for electronic systems of records management. The solution is proposed according to the principle elDAS and it fulfils the requirements regarding the processing of data according to GDPR.

The modules of records management use trustworthy repository of documents which provides long-term and guaranteed storage of documents and their metadata including the management of access rights of the users. It makes accessible the deposited documents and other content to all the modules of the solution. The repository ensures savings, management and access to documents for client applications with the aid of its own user environment, also systematically with the aid of an open interface.


Health Care Insurance of
the Ministry of interior of the Czech Republic

One of the supplied applications for the HCIMI is records management. The application processes more than 30 thousand documents daily and together with automatic sorting machine for documents at the entry, it not only makes the work more efficient, but also saves time and lowers the employment costs.

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